Chiropractic Treatment
Many chiropractic patients suffer from conditions that can’t be corrected through temporary measures. When you must sit at a desk for eight or more hours a day, your mattress and pain relievers just can’t fix it.
Adjustments Can Help With Neck And Back Pain
Individuals that have a misaligned spine or pain in their spine often try to adjust their position in an attempt to reduce pain in a specific area. Unfortunately, this shift in posture can result in poor alignment in other areas. Our chiropractor can help to align your problem areas which can result in better overall posture and reduced pain throughout your back and spinal column.
Reduce Your Inflammation
Many patients believe that the only way to reduce inflammation is with medication or heat therapies. However, these treatment options are only temporary and can’t correct the underlying problems, but when you utilize chiropractic adjustments, you can often stop the issues that are causing the swelling in the first place.
Adjustments Can Help Headaches
Both migraine and tension headaches can be linked to problems with the back or spine. In fact, headaches are the top reason that people seek the help of a chiropractor. A properly aligned spine helps with both muscle tightness and pain which can cause both types of headaches. This means that there is a cascading positive effect of your chiropractic adjustment as an aligned spine does not strain the muscles and therefore won’t trigger your painful headaches.
Prompt your body’s intelligence to restore balance
Each of the acupuncture points acts as a gate—sending energetic information electromagnetically via the fascia deep into the body.
Trinity Acupuncture